Practices for Dismantling Racism

$14.00 plus applicable taxes

The ideas in these cards are adapted from Tema Okun’s Dismantling Racism Workbook. Each card outlines an antidote or agreement your workplace can hold to combat the characteristics of white supremacy culture that show up in our organizations.



The ideas in these cards are adapted from Tema Okun’s Dismantling Racism Workbook. Each card outlines an antidote or agreement your workplace can hold to combat the characteristics of white supremacy culture that show up in our organizations.

Micro-practices from this deck include:

  • We value and include process and quality goals in our work, not just outcome or product goals. We create ways to measure our process goals (like inclusivity, personal interactions, quality of relationships, etc.).
  • We are mindful of pushing our agenda or decisions on others without providing “think time” and opportunities for meaningful input and discussion.
  • We cultivate a culture of appreciation, and take time to acknowledge the efforts and gifts everyone brings with them.
  • We ask and expect our leaders to develop the power and skills of others. We recognize that challenges to leadership can be healthy and productive, and create systems and space for this to occur.

Focus on just one or two at a time. The work is ongoing, and trying to tackle everything at once can be overwhelming. Pick a card and try a Spark today!


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